Monday, September 30, 2013

Learning Team Meetings

Thank you so much to all the families who have attended their Learning Team Meeting at their scheduled time. These meetings are integral to your student's learning and to establishing the home-school relationship. It's also extremely important to understand that these meetings affect our classroom schedule, so timely attendance is necessary to decrease disruption.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

I hope you had a wonderful summer and were able to relax and unwind. I want to welcome you to your child's 3rd Grade year. Over the past three days, we have been learning about our new friends and classroom and thinking about what we would like to accomplish this school year. We have also been learning and practicing important classroom procedures, like lining up, walking in the stairwell, and locating materials in our classroom. Today, we will practice safety drills for fire and tornado. Ask your student to teach you some of the things we have been practicing in class!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Maternity Leave

I wanted to take a moment to share information about my upcoming maternity leave. This will be my last week before I start my leave next week. While I am absent, Mr. Emmanuel Smith (known to my students as Mr. E) will be covering my classroom until the end of the school year. Mr. E spent several years as a substitute teacher and a long term substitute at UPA Elementary. Mr. E has been shadowing me in class for the last few days, getting to know my students and the curriculum. I am confident that Mr. E will do well in my absence.

If you have any questions before I leave, please let me know. If you have any questions or concerns after that, you can contact Mr. E by email,

Thank you for all of your support thus far. I know that you will offer Mr. E the same level of support that I have received.

I wish you and your child a successful final quarter!

Milestone 2

Just a reminder that Milestone 2 - Facts about Interest Project - is due this Thursday, April 11. Students need to write five facts about their Interest Project topic, and decide how they will present their Exhibition. I look forward to seeing these on Thursday!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Homework Reminder

Students are given homework each day, Monday through Thursday. Occasionally, they may receive other paperwork that needs to be returned to school. While it is important for students to develop a sense of responsibility by bringing their work to and from school, it is also part of our responsibility to make sure they bring it back, as well. Please check your students' backpacks and folders for notes or homework that need to be returned to school. I have several students who are missing assignments, which can affect their performance in class. Thank you for your help with this.

Reading Month

March is Reading Month! There is an activity planned for each day during the month of March. The festivities will start with a celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday on Monday, March 4. Students can wear a red, white, or Dr. Seuss shirt with their uniform pants. For a detailed schedule of daily activities, please refer to the calendar sent home with the March school newsletter.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Uniform Reminder

With our unpredictable Michigan weather, I wanted to give you some reminders about proper uniform.

  • All school shoes should be solid black or brown without heels.
  • Boots may be worn to school in inclement weather. Students must then change into their school shoes and wear them during the day in class. 
  • Shirts must have a collar and be solid black, red or white polo or button down shirts. Turtle necks may be worn in cold weather, as well. No striped shirts 
  • Any pair of pants that has belt loops must be worn with a belt.