Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Classroom Donations

Cold and flu season is in full swing! If you are able to donate, our class is greatly in need of tissue and Clorox wipes. These will help keep those pesky germs at bay!

You can also occasionally check the "Classroom Wishlist" sidebar to see what our class could currently use. Thank you for your help!

Pennies for Patients

During the month of January, our school will participate in a fundraiser that benefits St. Jude's Children's Hospital. St. Jude's treats children who are often critically ill and suffer from grave illnesses like cancer.

Students will raise money for this important organization by donating loose change to "Pennies for Patients." We will have a collection box in our classroom to collect change, and the class who raises the most money will get a pizza party. This fundraiser is a great opportunity for all of us to appreciate the healthy children in our lives, and for the students to learn a important lesson about compassion. We look forward to your participation!

Calendar Changes

Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you were able to spend some quality time with your loved ones and get reenergized. There have been some changes to the school schedule that differs from the school year calendar sent home at the beginning of the year. Please make a note of the following dates:

Monday, Jan. 16: No School - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, Jan. 23: Records Day, No school for students
February 3: Interim Data Day, No school for students
Feb. 22-24: No School - Mid-Winter Break