Classroom Life

100th Day of School

We celebrated being 100 days smarter on Valentine's Day. We engaged in several activities involving the number 100, like counting out 100 treats.

We also imagined what we would look like at 100 years old.

Classroom Rules 2012-2013

Our class has created our classroom rules for the year. We began by listing the reasons we come to school (to learn, to become smart, to go to college, etc.). Then, we thought about the rules we need to follow to be successful in school.

The reasons we come to school, and rules we should follow to be successful 

Then, we grouped the rules that were similar to each other to come up with four main rules. I created a rule chart for all of us to sign, indicating that we agree to follow these four important rules.

Please talk to your student about our rules and how important they are to their success in school.

Apology of Action

School is a social environment, and we've spoken at length about and practiced cooperatively working with each other.

We also talked about what we should do if we have a problem with someone in our class. Students thought of situations that would hurt or "break" their feelings. Then, we thought of what we could do to  fix the situation. Sometimes saying sorry is enough. Other times, action is needed. This is called Apology of Action, where "you broke it, you fix it" becomes one of the ways we solve problems with each other. Instead of immediately coming to me to fix a problem, I expect my students to think of ways to fix it. Below is a chart of some ways we break feelings, and things we could do to fix them.

Situations are not limited to those listed. The goal of Apology of Action is for the student to take the active role in problem solving, understand that actions have consequences, and if they do indeed break something, they have to fix it. 


This week, we began to practice working in Centers. Centers gives us an opportunity to practice and reinforce important literacy skills, like independent reading, writing, and phonics skills. It also allows us  to work on cooperating with others, and to have fun!

Enjoying some of our classroom books

Using magnetic letters to practice spelling high frequency words

Writing about our first week of school

Making patterns with pattern blocks